Hi Thayer,

Many thanks for your reply!

> Make sure you have the layer selected in the table of contents

I can't find anything called "table of contents" but there is a panel
called "Layers" where I can tick/untick them to show/hide layers, and
if I click on a layer to select it (a layer with HTML in the Display
properties) then the layer name is drawn in the layer list with a blue
background to indicate it is selected, however I still don't see any
popups when hovering over that layer's markers on the map.

> and hover over the feature for several seconds (e.g. 2 or 3). When I
> say hover, I mean do not move the pointer.

I have hovered for 10 seconds with my hand off the mouse to be extra
sure and still nothing appears.  In the options, the popup time is the
default of 850 milliseconds.  If I hover over the buttons on the
toolbar then tooltips appear successfully, as they do throughout the
various dialog boxes, so it doesn't appear to be a problem with my

I am not sure how exact you have to be when hovering over the symbol on
the map, but I have tried hovering over a bunch of symbols that were
clustered together, a few pixels above/below/beside the marker,
enlarging the marker, etc. but nothing is popping up.

> Make sure that there is a check mark by "Show Map Tips" in the "View"
> top menu.

There is no check mark but the icon is drawn "pressed" (like the
toolbar button) when it is activated.  I can select it multiple times
to alternate between "normal" and "pressed", just like the toolbar
button.  Regardless of whether the menu item is drawn in the pressed
state or not, there are no popups.

> You might want to try changing the tool, and click on the map window
> or pan the window and try hovering again.

I tried changing to the zoom tool and clicking a few times, then
hovering - no popup.  I changed back to the pan tool - no popup.  I
tried panning around a bit and hovering again - no popup.

> Also you may want to restart QGIS and start from scratch setting up
> the Display tab of the Layer Properties.

I have restarted QGIS and added new HTML to a different feature, but
there is still no popup.

> I am using the same QGIS version but it is built with an older Qt,
> etc. and it works for me, I just have to change the text or
> background color to make it legible. <h1
> style="background-color:Tomato;">[% "LABEL_TEXT" %]<h1>

I tried changing the colour like this but still no popup.  I have tried
it with a dark satellite map background and the default grey background
and can't see any hint of a popup.  I have also tried setting the popup
to just plain text without using any fields (so it should always
display even if the fields are all blank) but still no popup.

Any other ideas what could be happening?

Many thanks,
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