chris hermansen clhermansen at
Fri Mar 24 20:16:59 PDT 2023

I believe I was the one who suggested the layer bounds approach.

Hi Chris, probably there was a misunderstanding.

IIRC, you suggested to use the "Random points in extent" algorithm. AFAIK this algorithm places the random points inside a rectangular (in the CRS Cartesian plane) extent, e.g. the rectangular extent of the layer containing the polygons, so it is not guaranteed that such random points will actually fall inside the polygons as the can fall inside the rectangular extent but outside the polygons. Using this algorithm it is not guaranteed that such random points will actually fall inside the polygons even if the polygons are dissolved.

Instead, using the "Random points in layer bounds" algorithm, the resulting layer will contain the specified number of points and such random points will always fall inside the polygons even if the polygons are not dissolved.

Best regards.

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