Hi Mike,
Firstly I would say that you should seriously think about updating your QGIS, 
as 2.18.28 is very old. The current long term release version is 3.28.5. QGIS 3 
has many improvements over 2, and has been in development for long enough that 
the bugs are mostly worked out. I can not remember your specific issue from 2, 
but I know that labeling has been much improved recently in 3, with very good, 
but not necessarily perfect, correspondence between how labels look in the 
layout and how they look on exported pdf's and images, the difference is mostly 
just that occasionally a label will not shows up on an export when it is 
present in the layout. I have not noticed differences in size or font. The 
correspondence between labels in the map canvas and the layout/print is much 
improved also.
You may want to try adjusting your map canvas scale to match the scale in the 
layout. I have found that there is usually a sweet spot where the map canvas 
labels display almost exactly the same as in the layout.


    On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 06:14:49 AM EDT, 
qgis-user-requ...@lists.osgeo.org <qgis-user-requ...@lists.osgeo.org> wrote: 
From: Michael Raymond <michael.raym...@northnorthants.gov.uk>
To: "qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org" <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Qgis-user] Question Re: Map Exporting (How to keep Map
    labels the same size when exporting Map as pdf or image via composer
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Good morning,

I?m messaging as, when I export my Map as pdf (or as image) the labels on the 
Map are smaller than what is shown when I preview after ?drawing the map? in 
the composer manager.

At present I can remedy this to an extent by lowering the MAP dpi in composer 
manager, but this obviously comes at the cost of the labels teetering on 
illegibility (which is just another version of the issue I?m trying to remedy 
in the first place). I understand a better remedy might be a case of converting 
the raster layer (which I am only presuming is the underlying map that I?m 
having issues with) ?from pixels to points? (or vice versa).

However, I have QGis version 2.18.28 and there doesn?t appear to be any 
explicit function pertaining to this, and indeed said remedy may in fact be 
something different entirely. Am open to any alternative resolutions if so, 
hope you can help?

Note: Have attached a version of the Map which I?ve managed to sort based on 
lowering the dpi, which as you can see works ok but it would be preferred to 
have it clearer.


Mike Raymond ? Place Information Officer
Performance, Intelligence and Partnerships
North Northamptonshire Council
Cedar Drive, Thrapston, Northants NN14 4LZ
T: 0300 126 3000 | DD:  07423799714

Web: www.northnorthants.gov.uk<http://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/>
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