I developed most of this plugin some time ago, but have never liked
publishing a plugin that was not self contained meaning that it has no
depancies on other Python libraries not supplied by QGIS or data too large
to include.

Meet the Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets plugin. For a particular date & time
it displays the location of the Sun, Moon, and planets where they would be
at their zenith, directly overhead as seen from the surface of the Earth.
It also has another tool that given a date, time, and coordinate it will
display solar and lunar information such as azimuth, elevation, twilights,


This plugin requires two additional libraries to be installed. Open the
OSGeo4W Shell and install timezonefinder and skyfield.

pip install timezonefinder skyfield

I am in the process of passing the baton for my QGIS plugins to another
organization but wanted to get this released. The one algorithm I really
wanted to include was to generate an accurate day/night line or polygons
including different twilights. I never found an algorithm that I liked.
There are ones based on a spherical earth, but can be as much as 10 degrees
off towards the poles.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this plugin.

Best wishes,
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