Good afternoon,

I'm currently using geoSCOUT at the company I'm working at.  One cannot export 
out any attributes with a layer or shapefile out of geoSCOUT and you cannot 
view an attribute table within geoSCOUT either.  There are a couple of tasks 
I'd like to do that it would be beneficial to have those attributes.  So, I 
have exported out a UWI list and imported into an analytics program we 
subscribe to called EVA, from here I can export out a csv of the UWI plus data. 
 I have brought this csv into QGIS and want to convert it to a shapefile.  The 
csv does not export out of EVA with Lat and Long columns, but does give SH Lat, 
SH Long, BH Lat, and BH Long.

I thought perhaps I could add a column to the csv file within QGIS and 
calculate a lat/long column, but the Toggle Editing Mode Button is greyed out.  
So, then I thought maybe I could create one shapefile with the SH data, and 
another with the BH data, then merge the two shapefiles and perform a points to 
path if necessary.  When I right click on the csv file to export as an ESRI 
shapefile, the export fails, and I get the below message.

Does anyone have any other ideas of how I could go about this?

Thank you in advance,

Jamie Gould, C. Tech
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