Thank you for your reply, Andrea. I'll be glad to describe the situation and 
what I'm doing.

I'm running Qgis 3.23.3 for Windows (Windows 11), which is the regular 
environment I'm now working Qgis in – though earlier I also tried 3.23.2 on 
MacOS (the latter of which – Qgis for MacOS – I now believe to be a less 
refined and less finished variety of Qgis, similar version number or no).

For my particular project at present (a map I'm preparing of Roman Britain), 
I'm adding rivers to the map – drawing data from a shapefile of the "waterways" 
(rivers, creeks, canals, ditches, etc.) of the island of Britain (containing 
something like 190,000 features!), distributed by the U.K. government.

The procedure I've found most convenient at present for doing so (excepting the 
interference of the problem being discussed) is to copy the original shapefile 
to the name of the desired river, load it as a layer, open its Attributes 
Table, turn on Editing, sort the table by name, select all features bearing the 
right river name, then (after selecting the Select Features by Area or Single 
Click tool) scan through the segments and features of the intended river: 1) 
deselecting the segments of a different river possessing the same name (there 
are many such in Britain), 2) deselecting side segments which incorrectly bear 
your intended river's name (also a lot), 3) selecting incorrectly named 
segments (e.g., NULL) that if omitted would introduce gaps in the line of the 
river, 4) adding to the selection creeks possessing a different name, and so 
forth. Finally, invert the selection, delete all the features one didn't select 
in the process above, then save.

It all works well – until the eventual moment when one's pressed shift or 
control key momentarily fails to register, the entire laboriously selected set 
of features clears back to just the last one touched – and I pull out even more 
of my remaining hair.

Nor does saving the layer every now and then in the middle of the process do 
any good – because what features are selected or not at that instant doesn't 
get remembered in the save file.

This is the moment when it would be exceedingly nice if one could just pull 
down Edit > Select > Reselect Features and thereby get back to the last 
previous selected set of features as they existed just prior to the last 
keystroke/click entered.

But that command appears to do nothing.

(Thanks again for your response!)

Michael McNeil

> On Nov 16, 2023, at 16:33, Andrea Giudiceandrea via QGIS-User 
> <> wrote:
>> Michael Edward McNeil memcneil02 at
>> Thu Nov 16 16:04:37 PST 2023
>> Why doesn't the Edit > Select > Reselect Features command work?
> Hi Michael,
> it seems to me the command works as expected [1], at least using QGIS 3.28 on 
> Windows.
> May you provide a detailed list of steps that lead to such command to not 
> work properly?
> Best regards.
> Andrea
> [1] 
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