I have been using the new version of QGIS 3.34.0 for a few days and have found 
that in running models created by the Graphics Modeler, there is very different 
performance between version 3.32.3 and 3.34.0.
I have several models created with the modeler including a very complex one 
with about 100 algorithms that until version 3.32.3 was executed in about 11 
minutes, while with version 3.34.0 the same model after more than 3 hours was 
executed ONLY 18% of the total!!!

In the case of simpler models with very few algorithms the execution times are 
similar with increasingly better times with version 3.32.3.

What happened ?

I checked and rechecked everything but not much can be done. When "Run" is 
pressed to execute the model, before the first script appears in the log, 
several minutes pass while in the previous version 3.32.3 the first model 
script was executed after a few seconds.

With the new version 3.34.0 it is impossible to run complex models!

Why this huge difference between the two versions?

Please check

Thank you

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