Hello All,

I have used SAGA to generate channel networks and r.watershed to generate 
catchment sub-basins from Copernicus 30 m DEM data to assist with planning a 
stream sediment sampling program. Once samples are collected I would like to 
generate polygons that define the upslope area for each sample point.

I understand that this can be done using SAGA Terrain Analysis ‘Upslope area’ 
tool that requires manually copying and pasting the X and Y coordinates for 
each sample point (one point at a time which works but is not practical for 
100’s of samples, or in batches which is still not ideal and doesn’t appear to 

Is there an easy way to import a point file with multiple points (100’s of 
points) to SAGA or another tool to automatically calculate upslope catchment 
areas for each of the points?

I have come across two potential solutions:

1) ‘Qgis SAGA Upslope Area for several points automation’:
2) ‘Snap pour points and delineate multiple catchments in QGIS’:

However, both are three years old and it appears there are complications using 
both these methods in newer versions of QGIS3. Are there alternative methods?

I am using QGIS 3.28.11a on macOS Monterey.


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