Hi Jorge,

On Thu, 29. Feb 2024 at 13:31:07 +0000, Jorge Matos wrote:
>  Now, it was a surprise to learn that the QGIS projects are somehow linked to
>  drive D. The software and projects are all on drive C, inside the desktop
>  PC.

The environment variable TEMP in your windows user profile is probably pointing
at D:\TMP and most software which is creating temporary files there.  So that
should not affect only QGIS.


Jürgen E. Fischer
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)           norBIT GmbH               Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Software Engineer         Rheinstraße 13            Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Geschäftsführer           D-26506 Norden              https://www.norbit.de

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