When you are replying to a digest, kindly observe standard netiquette and only quote the part of the digest message that is relevant to the discussion.

Any activity that involves processing raster images is by definition much more resource intensive than editing vector layers. When you are drawing maps, most of the layers you are likely to be working with are vectors. It is inevitable your system will be much more impacted in performance when processing the raster data than it is for drawing vector layers. The onus is basically on you to ensure you are using a computer system that has good performance specifications.

On 18/03/24 20:28, Bodamer, Christian via QGIS-User wrote:
Hello Michaela,

sometimes I have the same problem with PDF files. In such cases I change PDF to 
TIFF or png etc. with 150 dpi.

Best regards,
Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes
Niederlassung Ost
Magdeburger Straße 51 · 06112 Halle

Christian Bodamer
Landschaftsplaner Verwaltung A- und E-Flächen
M +49 1525 76 54 493
T + 49 345 9409 9459


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 07:03:32 +0000
From: "Huesmann, Michaela" <michaela.huesm...@stadt-steinfurt.de>
To: "qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org" <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Qgis-user] Georeferencing Raster
Message-ID: <77500f54d9bb4515a69f646d86a9d...@stadt-steinfurt.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hello all,

my collegue got some trouble with georeferencing raster images. As soon as he 
activates the tool  ?LAYER >> GEOREFERENCING? his system gets very, very 
sloooow. It takes plenty of time even to open the raster image and then to set 
referencing points. While changing the windows between Map and Referencing Tool the 
windows are getting grey and show ?No response?. In the end he doesn?t know wheter 
the system is still running or ?died? along the way.
I installed QGIS Version 3.34.4 now, but it ist he same behaviour as in hil 
older version 3.16.
Is there maybe a special setting, that can be changed to get a better 

Best regards, Michaela

[Kreisstadt Steinfurt]<http://www.steinfurt.de/>

  - 48565 Steinfurt

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