
I would love to store netCDF files in Postgresql/PostGIS and read them as mesh layers.

I'm able to store netCDF in PostGIS and add it as a rasters in QGIS.

To store it on PostGIS:

raster2pgsql -s 4326 -d -I -C -M AZ1_HS_2023101200.nc -F public.az1_hs_2023101200 | psql service=atlantico

Check if it is ok:

gdalinfo "PG:service=atlantico schema='public' table=az1_hs_2023101200"

Load it in QGIS (as raster):

uri_config = {
md = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().providerMetadata('postgresraster')
uri = QgsDataSourceUri(md.encodeUri(uri_config))
rlayer = iface.addRasterLayer(uri.uri(False), "az1_hs_2023101200", "postgresraster")

I would like to load it as a mesh layer.

Loading a mesh from file works as expected.

mesh_layer_path: str = "/tmp/AZ1_HS_2023101200.nc"
mesh_layer = QgsMeshLayer(mesh_layer_path, "layer_name", "mdal")
if not mesh_layer.isValid():
    print("Layer failed to load!")

Is it possible to load it from PostGIS as a mesh? Should it be stored in another format?

I've tried this:

uri_config = {
md = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().providerMetadata('postgresraster')
uri = QgsDataSourceUri(md.encodeUri(uri_config))
mesh_layer = QgsMeshLayer(uri.uri(False), "layer_name", "mdal")
if not mesh_layer.isValid():
    print("Layer failed to load!")


Jorge Gustavo

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