Fellow QGIS Users -

I'm trying to determine if its possible to have QGIS render the exterior 
boundary of polygon features only once when that boundary is shared with an 
adjacent feature (don't render overlapping exterior boundaries for both polygon 
features).  The data I'm working with is a county parcels layer and the 
symbology I'm using for this layer is a cross hatched line fill with a separate 
component for the outline of the polygons.  I've tried a couple of expressions 
(examples below) including one geometry generator and one data defined override 
for the stroke width of the boundary line but none of them achieves my 
objective.  I'm using QGIS 3.34.7 and my coding skills are limited.  I feel 
like I've seen this issue covered somewhere but have been unable to find a 
solution after extensive online exploration.

Method #1:  "boundary( difference( $geometry, aggregate( 'union', 'intersects', 
$geometry, other_layer := @layer)))"  This expression was used on the outline 
component of the symbology described above.

Method #2:  "CASE WHEN intersects( $geometry, geom_to_wkt( boundary( $geometry 
))) THEN 0  ELSE 1 END"  Here I switched to using an expression on the stroke 
width of a simple fill, but I got an error message saying "Cannot convert to 

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


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