Hi Tim

(I expect that my message is trapped from your list manager)

On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 01:56:58PM +0100, Tim Sutton wrote:
> Saturday 1 December -> Wed December 5
>  * Packagers make test packages for all platforms and commit any
>    packaging related
>    changes to SVN. Please note the GRASS folks have requested we use:
>   http://grass.itc.it/grass63/source/grass-6.3.0RC2.tar.gz
>   For platforms where we are bundling grass together with QGIS (Win
>   and Mac really). Markus to advise if there is any change in the above
>   advisory.

That's very good. I expect that we get even RC3 out by then with
further Windows fixes.

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