On  Fri, 23 Apr 2004 at 10:44:42, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman
>>On  Sun, 18 Apr 2004 at 18:36:30, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>>(ref: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
>>>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman
>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>>>I have arrived in the USA for the show next week.
>>>>... but my email is still not working.
>>>>I have full access to my home windows machine (and thus my internal
>>>>network and external worldnews VPN).
>>>So, Big Brother isn't watching you ... you are watching yourself !
>>>Weird ... or wired :-)
>>Indeed - from Phoebus' house right now.
>Ain't technology wonderful ... :-)
Not really - my email has died again - chooses a great time to fail fo
rthe first time doesn't it.
>I am sure that Phoebus is good company too.
Maybe (8-)#

You can see some of the results on the photos link on my web page (see
TF (from Larchmont, NY)
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
     tony@<surname>.co.uk  http://www.firshman.co.uk
       Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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  • ... Tony Firshman
    • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Tony Firshman
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Tony Firshman
            • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
              • ... Dilwyn Jones
                • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
              • ... Tony Firshman
            • ... Malcolm Cadman
    • ... James Hunkins
      • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
        • ... SMSQ - Jochen Merz
      • ... Tony Firshman
    • ... Darren . Branagh

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