> Thank you all for your comments.
> Just tried on the real QL, something such as
> copy con_ to ram1_test
> the magic number is 27314
> <CTRL> + <Space>
> afterwards I can see the text file using the TK2 command VIEW.
> The only thing I miss is input echo, I have to type blindly (and as all of
> you know the QL keyboard is somewhat §$%?(&/"#)
> Is there a way to perform such an action with input echo turned on?

Simply enter 1 REM ...and your text...
then SAVE file (enter "NEW" fist to be sure there is no programm loaded)

A better way is to use EDIT (TK2) or - of course - another text editor

Best for very short text is : SAVE "ram1_the magic number is 27314"

> This experiment suggests QDOS does not need an EOF character (which IIRC is
> not a char that sits there as a byte of the file but is rather a command to
> close the file under MSDOS)

You need CTRL-z onely with : COPY con_ to ser1z

> In case the file would not have been properly closed on the disk - does QDOS
> or TK2 have an utility to check for the integrity of a disk (something
> comparable to CHKDSK from the MSDOS world)?

Problems by not properly closed files is a typically "windoof" problem... oops... 
"feature" :)
Such problems are rare with QDOS (microdrives not included :)

Best regards

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