Tony Firshman wrote:

The reason for this posting: I really wonder if someone out there
also   has
something special: a stunning effect from some simple (at the first)
SuperBasic code?

Yes - the winner (and runner up - same person) of a QL World graphics
competition will probably beat this one (I haven't run this one as I am
in the US)

Was that a different compo from the one with the rotating head? I think
Mark Swift made that one and it rocked!

I have to check my QLTs :-)

This was QL World - the original mag published in London.
I think around 1986.

It was the 1988 QL World Artist of the year comp (announced in May 1988 Mag, results in Sep 1989 Mag).

Winner was "The Animated Head" by Mark Swift. It required 512K Extra memory to run. I think (vaguely remember) that it was available on the microdrive exchange (but I can't find the details at the moment - if it was).

The "Plant Life" by Colin Bate was another was-run. It was listed in the Progs in Mar 1990 mag. (2 1/2 pages long, 103 lines including 16 lines of REMarks)

(Sorry for not snipping.  My USA link is so so it is nigh on impossible
to do  (8-(#   )


-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Newson, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17 Sunnybank, South Norwood Phone: (020) 8654 6643 London, SE25 4TQ Mobile: 07795 338 262

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