> > IIRC sernet
> > only has v.1 config blocks (I am completely against the idea of config
> > blocks myself... and all self modifying executables for that manner...
> > :-)  )
> Completely agree. Having the configuration information within the
> file itself is a messy and error prone thing. Remember a lesson on
> information theory where patching executables was told to be one of the
> major sins of programming... and I must admit this matter would have been
> much easier in case the sernet file was accompanied with something like a
> sernet_config file in plain text format.
Agreed in principle. But one shortcomign of QDOSMSQ is that a program cannot
tell where it has just been executed from! So if you have an external
configuration file, you need to have a configuration item in the program to
know where to look for it! Catch 22.....

e.g.  EXEC win1_progs_MYPROGRAM_EXE

When MYPROGRAM_EXE starts, it doesn't know it came from WIN1_ let alone from
the subdirectory win1_progs_. The bets it can do is assume it came from
PROGD$ (Toolkit 2 program default directory).

QDOS and SMSQ seem to treat things like this as though they apply to the
entire system, not to an individual job. In other words, there's only one
PROGD$ for the whole computer, not a separate one for each program you

> > and config_exe is free. I can send you a version of config if you
> > need.
> Thanks for the nice offer. I found a version of config_exe on the already
> mentioned demo disk (petawin.zip from Marcel's homepage). Could start it
> it tells me that sernet does not have a config level 1 block. Am I doing
> something wrong?
Sounds like it has a level 2 block (disappears for 2 minutes to check)
...back again
Yes, it has a level 2 config block, so you need MenuConfig. Jochen - are you
listening? Can one of us send Michael a copy of MenuConfig to help him?
Alternatively, if you can send me (off list) a copy of your Sernet telling
me which ports you'd like it to use and I'll try to configure it to your
requirements for you.

Sernet on my QPC is connected via SER2, so I have the configuration items
set to:

1. SRX2hd for receive on SER2

2. STX2hd for transmit on SER2

3. Server timeout = 0

> After all I guess the simplest workaround for me would be to get a cable
> that works with the QL's ser1 port - as I picked up from the discussion
> several people use sernet but noone gave a step-by step description how to
> set it up for ser2.
Not many people use SERNET with a QL. I could not be sure I was wiring up
the silly British serial port connectors correctly, so I gave up. Basically,
one is a reversed version of the other, if the device connected doesn't work
on ser1 it may well work on ser2.

I think one was made for equipment which was expected to connect to a modem
(i.e. DCE or Data Communications  Equipment, SER1 works as though the QL was
a modem) and SER2 as though the QL was a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
terminal. In a way, if you use SER1, the QL behaves like a modem, if you use
SER2 it behaves as though it's a computer terminal.

I'm not a hardware expert so I hope the above is accurate!

Dilwyn Jones

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