Hi out there!

I still think that Jan Venema's QLAY (with available sources)  is an
invaluable resource for getting started with for a QL emu programming
beginner ...

Last weekend I started the experiment ... a very modest attempt to install
CYGWIN and then to compile the package just "as it is", as step zero.
Mr: Optimist: with no change to the source code it should compile and
produce exactly the same EXE file that you already got...

As (almostly) expected even step zero did not work - the MAKE complained
about some missing "pc.inc" file
Ok programming is a challenge ...

To come to the point:
I really would like to play a bit with QLAY sources ... and I guess I will
bother the QL community with further detailed questions on the subject. So
if you are willing to 1:1 answer silly questions on C and compilation please
let me know

Kind regards


Kind regards,


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