On  Fri, 27 Aug 2004 at 09:18:50, Adrian Vickers wrote:

>I changed my e-mail address, and it all went quiet....
>How much does the Pointer Environment cost these days? Will it run on a
>QL+GC? A QL + 512k Expanderam + FDD? A 128K QL? Does it need any extra
>hardware, e.g. a mouse
Extra ram certainly.  It will also need a floppy disk to read the

Mouse can be used.  However the cursor keys. enter etc are perfectly
good substitutes.  I never use a mouse at shows, and rarely on my sH
mouse equipped BBS.
>- or, perhaps the more pertinent question would be - CAN a mouse be
>added to a standard(ish) QL & run with the modern equivalent of the
>pointer environment?

Yes, but with above provisos.
> Is that still QPTR2?

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