> >My brother is not computer literate and conservative in the extreme
> >when it comes to upgrades.
> >
> >However, after a recent rebuild of his PC I put firefox and thunderbird
> >on his system. Without any effort on his part it imported all his
> >outlook mail, and explorer favourites, and automatically sorts out and
> >separates over 95% of the spam he receives. He was so impressed he has
> >asked me how to remove internet exploder  and lookout from his  (win98)
> >PC. I believe there are shareware progs to do just that. Does anyone
> >have any recomendations?
> The 2 you mention are only applications, like any other, so use any
> dedicated application - of which there are many - to remove them.
> I use McAfee Quickclean free version ( given away on magazine CD's ),
> for example.
> The point with applications like the above is that they find all the
> links and references and remove those as well.  Many also have an option
> to keep a record so that you can re-install the removed application
> again at a later date if you change your mind.  As we are all human,
> this is useful :-)
> --
> Malcolm Cadman
If Jon Dent is listening, what is the latest state of play with soql and
browser/email appications?

Dilwyn Jones

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