On  Sun, 19 Sep 2004 at 09:37:19, gwicks wrote:

>Can I also mention how much more pleasant this type of discussion has become
>on this list. We are far more tolerant than we used to be. I can remember
>the time when we IE and OE users were subject to a lot of personal abuse. We
>were regarded as unsound people who had the wrong attitude of mind to be
>loyal QL-ers. They was even a suggestion we should be barred from this list!
-If- you are unsound, that will have nothing to do with Microsoft (8-)#
>I fell foul of the anti-Microsoft people in my first week on the list, when
>I was completely new to the world of emailing and was given an authoritarian
>lecture by someone who assured me he had the best email program available. I
>now know what his problem was. His super program only handled ASCII codes
>32 - 126 so any accented characters were coming up on his system as rubbish.
>(Think yourself lucky that we are living in 2004, Phoebus. If you had
>included Greek in an email 5 years ago - and your Greek reproduced perfectly
>in OE - you would have been seized from your home, transported across the
>Atlantic in a sealed box and publicly lynched at the first available QL
>show. ;-)) )
he he.  I don't remember that one.  It must have been mainly private.  I
am sure you gave as good as you got.
Don't though forget that bare text (without expression) -always- appears
ruder than intended.

My Turnpike handles non-ascii very well in the body, but Phoebus' name
in the 'From:' field does arrive very strangely.

Having discovered UTF8 in my WN work, that seems very very good at
allowing rendering of every left->right character based language.
I would not be surprised if the world (especially web sites) went in
that direction.
Its downside is that it can more than double file sizes.

What is absolutely certain is that html in the body must be avoided at
all costs, even if only to ensure that people reading on a QL mailer can
see it properly.

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     tony@<surname>.co.uk  http://www.firshman.co.uk
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