Andrea Carpi writes:

> Malcolm Cadman wrote:
> > I do not have a binary editor.
> > Perhaps someone else could perform the modification, and send me a copy
> >
> > The software is dated 1997, so maybe the Beginners' Club can provide and
> > updated version too .  The author is listed as Andrea Carpi.
> I'm very happy to know that there is still interest about my CD Player.
> Unfortunately I don't have the time to try to resolve the problem, but I
> could send to who requires the SBasic sorces with the licence to modify
> them.
> The software is inspired to the original CD Player furnished with QPC.
> It needs, Turbotoolkit, Qliberator and Easyptr.
> I would like redraw the menu with more color, but, unfortunately I don't
> find the time to devote to the QL programming.
> CIAO to all.

I use your CD player too. And yes, it would be great if "somebody" were to
update it ;)


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