On  Wed, 22 Sep 2004 at 23:01:08, James Hunkins wrote:

>You would think after all these years of programming I would not forget
>to use the static keyword in this stuff.  I wasn't doing this and
>therefore the external programs couldn't find the correct data.  One I
>threw in static (thanks Wolfgang!), it works just as you all kept
>telling me.
>Very obvious - now :)
>Thanks for help everyone!
>Back to programming,
 That is life isn't it.

I re-built my car engine a while back.  I had always thought (for 13
years) that the Volvo spark plug lead layout on the 7nn series was
brilliant.  The distributor cap had the outputs all in a straight line.
They were then held in a neat parallel line all the way to the spark
plugs, 4,3 2 1.

How sensible rather than the usual 1,3,4,2 or similar.

I started the car up and it idled 'perfectly' first time, but when I
drove off there was no power.

Hrmm.  The ignition was electronic, and the manual was distinctly
unclear about the position of the -only- feedback - a slotted disk on
the flywheel.

.... so I took the engine out and checked the position (the only way)
and it seemed OK.

I then went back to the first stages (like one should -always- do even
in programming!) and checked the leads.  Nothing in the manual about the
physical connections to the cap, so I checked with a continuity meter.
The lead order was 2,1,3,4!

It was only the electronic ignition being -clever- that made the engine
idle perfectly on two cylinders!

Moral: In life and programming one should always go back to first
principals and never assume anything!

Good luck with QDT.  I must say it looked very professional at Orlando.


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