Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:
> Not all of course but select few (like MOVE16 for example)

Now you're already excluding the SGC.

> and especially the math ones could be significantly be sped up (if
> you even take into account the FPU part of 040 and 060 there is a
> significant boost up to be had)...

Well, nobody is stopping anybody from doing a new SMSQ/E math module
for FP aware machines.

>> Actually emulators would gain far more than the native hardware if
>> your assumption is right and the instruction count could be
>> significantly reduced.
> That is possible but not necessarily; if the emulated instruction would
> need more native instructions to be emulated for example....

Of course it would need more instructions, 68020+ took the CISC
approach to a rather absurd extreme. But that doesn't matter. Most
time is spend in decoding the instruction, not in emulating it.
Therefore, the more work a single instruction does, the better the
work/overhead relation gets.

> Speed up on a well written and mature emulator core like QPC's for example
> can be achieved by the extra processing power without the hassle of
> potentially re-writing parts of the emulation core and maybe in the
> process introducing some new bugs (which probably doesn't apply in your
> situation given the known quality of your software :-) but still it is
> possible)

Thanks, but you wouldn't want to know how long it took to get the 68k
core as free of bugs as it is now. ;-) A single emulated instruction
can currently already have a few thousand different code paths. Now
imagine a bug that happens only after a few millions of those have
already been emulated (I had those). It's a nightmare.


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