(Eros Forenzi) QL Speed Index of QPC v3.1 running on different platforms
(just for your curiosity)

2460 (24 times faster than Gold Card) Centrino 1,6 MHz (ASUS Notebook) Win
2562 P4 3200 MHz W2000
2733 Athlon 2600+ (2100 MHz) Win XP
1983 Celeron 2600 MHz W2000
1447 Athlon 1000 MHz W2000
628  Celeron 550 MHz (IBM notebook Win ME)

I have already posted a few months ago some of the results. It seems that
Athlon processor are very well suited for QPC2 (vs Intel ones). However the
new Centrino for notebook gives excellent results (considering also it's a
CPU devoted to notebook).

Best Regards


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