>Were you there when he did wheelies around a car park after a QL
show -
>Leyland I think - soon after he got the car?
I remember wheelies around the Leyland car park - it was same night
that I got a flat battery in my old Ford Crapi (as Freddy used to call

I think it might have been the same show as Freddy ordered a side
plate of chillies, then when he thought nobody was looking, he slipped
those very hot chillies into John Norton or David Batty's curry. I was
pretty new to the shows scene then and didn't dare say anything that
I'd seen him do it!

>He delighted in oft repeating the story about his drive from Dover to
>Chingford in some ridiculously fast time.  I forget what it was but
>it from me, it was ridiculous.  "Didn't you get stopped by the
>"They couldn't keep up".  He said he was doing 175 on the M2, and I
>really do believe him.
Freddy would often recount tales which I found hard to believe. But
most of the time the story would be corroborated by someone else. And
if he was telling tall tales he'd make a point of winding you up if he
thought you'd bought it. Usually, if you thought he was not telling
the truth, and no "wind up" followed, he really was telling the truth.
Sometimes I'd find a Freddy story I found hard to believe was if
anything somewhat understated.

>I wonder if he still survives - if he carried on like that he would
>a short life (out of prison that is!).
I last met him about 3 years ago I think, when I worked in tourism and
who walked into our ticket office but him. He was either divorced or
getting divorced from his wife Julie at that time. Unfortunately, it
was a busy day and I never got enough time to speak to him properly.
Perhaps luckily, knowing the phone bills Freddy and I used to run up
back in DJC days!

The name 'Digital Precision' is now owned by David Batty, his one time
rival trader in QL Software (he who ran the Leyland shows).

>Indeed - he was a qualified accountant after all, and still is. His
>were great - I remember his finding out Digital Precision was an
anagram of
>"the pride is in our logic" or something similar, and using it to
>I also remember a QL World article were he said he'd spent a few
>manhours getting the cursor in perfection to flash just right - pure
>rubbish of course, but it sounded good.
Yes, he often helped Julie (his wife) with accountancy matters.

Whatever else you can say about Freddy, he was a lovable character and
not short on the old grey matter. Never knowingly understated, his
adverts were very effective in selling QL software!

>><An incredibly large snip>
>>Do -please- get rid of mess (esp the BOE disclaimer (8-)# ).
>I know. I can't stop that ridiculous disclaimer going out - its
>centally just prior to sending.
He he. An IT guy who can't un-IT his emails ;-)
Anymore than I can't stop my anti-virus appending something when it
feels like it. Usually says nothing if there's a virus (i.e. separate
message) and adds 'Certified virus free' or something like that if
it's checking. It's usually off when I'm on ql-users thank goodness.

Dilwyn Jones

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