First, thanks to Dilwyn for the later file, seems to work fine.
Thanks too to Per for the qxltool, they worked too whereas those I downloaded did not, for what reason I know not.

When I used to use it regularly I had an icon on the windows desktop, this may well have been only Win311, maybe 95 too, but I can not get the mouse to function when using it in a 98 box. A pif link is automatically created but it does no seem to utilise Autoexec.bat with a DOS mouse command, I dont know if such a command can be put into the pif.

So I am having to reboot and forgo the ability to switch between QXL and Windows, anybody know how ?

Whatever one thought of Freddy, one cannot deny he was a good
businessman (8-)#

If Sinclair had been so too we might all be driving QL progeny.

<An incredibly large snip>
Do -please- get rid of mess (esp the BOE disclaimer (8-)# ).
If only folk would ! Instead of re re (sic) sending the whole bangshoot.

My mailer has a nice feature where <space> moves seamlessly through all
unread messages, but is defeated by the 300 odd lines of irrelevant
Sounds like an interesting feature - more detail ?

(and that is ignoring the bandwidth and storage implications).
Should not be so - prime importance ! In this deluge there was probably less than 10% new or pertinent content.

Also are the links really worth the inclusion ?

Why oh y do people not separate by newline (1or2) from the quoted text ?

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