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In a message dated 16/11/2004 20:19:27 GMT Standard Time, dent  

How  about testing if a £10 subscription would bring in new
members by launching  a special offer for new subscribers at £10 ?

A good idea, but I think the main problem with attracting new members  is 
that they do not see any sort of return for their subscription. It does  serve 
one important function, in that it appears that many Quanta members still  have 
original QLs and very little else...
What do people actually want from Quanta - at the moment, all I see  is
- A library which has very few programs post 1995 - Quanta could take over  
the Public Domain software function (not sure if Dilwyn would mind) - providing 
 it for free to members, or maybe small cost to non-members, equivalent to 
what  Dilwyn currently charges.
Problem is that no-one in Quanta seems willing / able / to have the  
expertise to run such a service and ensure that it is kept up to date
- A magazine which is published infrequently and has few articles. The  
problem is that most of its membership do not seem interested in new QL  
and therefore articles in QL Today are beyond them or of no  interest.  On 
the other hand, all the basic functions of the QL have been  done to death.
-- No real  support for members - instead the members tend to turn to 
traders.  Quanta  has access to quite a lot of second hand hardware and 
(some of which I  have) and I have suggested to John Gilpin that they should 
actually advertise  this in their magazine themselves - especially low cost 
ways of 
upgrading  standard QLs to give them more memory and disk drive access
- A website  which has very little information - it needs an overhaul, with 
links to current  QL traders, some of the older articles, such as upgrade 
options, and above all,  a means of applying to become a member
- Shows - now  Quanta has a long record of organising shows - however, they 
seem to have run  out of steam and / or the incentive to organise these and it 
is now left mainly  to the traders to organise and promote.  I cannot see 
QL2005 happening if  left to Quanta at the moment...
- A stash of  money which is sat there - it should be used towards the 
development and  promotion of the QL.  At the moment, it is sitting there and 
longer it  is left, the harder it is going to be to find a project to spend it  

Rich  Mellor 
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