Dilwyn Jones writes:

> The permission I got to use the older, cut down TK2 witht he emulators CD
> was just that, permission to use it with the emulators on that CD! It was
> NOT permission to freely distribute TK2.

The main problem with the cut-down version of tk2 is, in my view, that it
doesnt support "hard" directories. There is a tk2 clone by HPR(?) out there
somewhere. Unfortunately it has one serious bug which makes it virtually
unusable. I have the source code here, somewhere. I was asked by Richard
Zidlicky to see if I could iron it out, but found the code rather
inpenetrable (comments in German, too) and the bug intractable. I dont know
the status of this software (I'll ask Richard.), but it might be worth
while to try to sort it out.


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