James Hunkins schrieb:
1) current QL activities, shows, etc.
2) ongoing discussions with Quanta
3) mirror this and/or lists
4) distribution of the library (can be done securely by membership ID, etc)
5) offer programming help files (to encourage more programmers)
6) perhaps offer programmers help forum (kind of like the list for developers used to do)
7) etc, etc...

**ack** in my opinion these should be the most important things for quanta to do

I would view this as actually more important than the newsletter however, since many members probably still do not have web access, the newsletter still holds an important role to play.

do they really have no web access?
or is it just lazyness/missing knowledge (i know myself!)?
i mean you can read always the same handful of names here
i can't imagine quanta is that samall or most of the members have no web/email access!

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