On  Sun, 21 Nov 2004 at 10:39:54, James Hunkins wrote:

Hi Tony,

Guess what, Safari was interpreting your page perfectly and Firefox was being a bit generous. It turns out it is an easy fix (and very easy not too see). Here is what I found.

Original code:

Do you subscribe to the QL mailing list?
<input type="radio" name="mailing" value="yes">Yes <input type="radio" name="mailing" value="no">No &nbsp;(see <a href="http://www.quanta.org.uk/"; target='U">http://www.quanta.org.uk/</a> for details)<BR>

 - where it says              target='U"
 -> change it to say  target="U"

Note that the original page uses a single ' and a double ". Safari sees the single ' and then looks for a matching single '. You have it correct elsewhere.
Whoops - full marks to Safari.
There were many more like that which I spotted earlier (under firefox).

Fun stuff :)
Indeed. MSIE is very bad at 'intelligently' wrong html, much like QDOS and bad basic. Firefox is better, but not a sgood as Safari.

Could you also ask the following type of questions:

Hard Disk - what size
Rom Disk - what size
SMSQ/E - what rev
Memory - what size
Done (except memory - expansion type gets near enough!)

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