Rich Mellor wrote:

Maybe the better option would be for all filter programs to be installed into a common directory. Some form of header could be added (in REM statements, C, or Machine code block) which could be interrogated by the FILTER THING to find out what filters are available for each intermediate protocol - it could then either launch the default filter as required.. (maybe offer the user a list of filters to choose from).

The only problem here is if the user only has floppy disk drives and no permanent storage..... Maybe they should get a ROMDisq.... !!

Nice try but won't work, the thing is called by the device driver, thus in supervisor mode, thus no job creation etc.

Yes it is - scheme as it stands allows this to be developed for the future.

If we are capturing standard ESC/P2 graphics data sent to the PFF device (by SDUMP for example), then a filter could spot the header for this and convert it to Proforma (or PIC file) as necessary. The ESC/P2 raster graphics format is failry easy to decode :-)

Yes, using more powerful intermediate language would allow grpahics support, but I don't think anybody would write something to decode graphics from ESC/P or something. Much easier to do the screen dump using the direct PROforma intermediate protocol. Otherwise you are doing a ridiculous amount of conversions.


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