----- Original Message ----- From: "David Tubbs"
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 9:41 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Thru the Looking Glass

The thought of Rory Bremner and the Two Johns comes to mind, but here we have Three Johns who have shown themselves to be well and truly on the other side of the glass.

Talking about the other side of the glass, when I refer to the Quanta committee as being out of touch it makes then sound remote, cold and alien. In practice they are not at all like that. They are talented and able people. However their problem is a benign, patronising, "Daddy knows better" attitude that has grown up in Quanta over the years.

Thank you for doing me the honour of electing
me as Chairman for 2004/2005.
John Mason

Oh no John, no John, no !
But that you so believe accounts for the monstrously pompous diatribe recently uttered.
It is not so much an honour as the acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY !

Last Sunday Daddy told us children we had been very naughty and sent us all to bed without supper. He told us that if we are still naughty tomorrow he will smack our bottoms very hard.

Many folk continually whine (and I use that term deliberately) on the
mailing lists about why Quanta does not do something with its assets. One of
the problems is if a project does not approach Quanta, then can anyone expect Quanta to write a cheque.
John Southern, QUANTA Secretary

A fine way to whinge at your electorate !

Daddy is very angry because you children make too much noise. But Daddy is kind and Daddy will let you fill in his little form. And if you fill it in neatly and in your best handwriting then maybe Daddy will give you a little bit of pocket money.

I can give a couple more examples:

When the adults let me talk to them last February after they had had their little meeting, Daddy -- that is my old Daddy not my new one - told me off because I had called them "We". I was told I was still not an adult like them and must use "You" all the time.

(Not joking. When I met the Quanta committee in February Robin Barker rebuked me for using "we" in the discussion, telling me that I should not presume to have the same status as a committee member.)

When I did my survey on Quanta membership earlier this year Daddy was very pleased because I got 9/10 for my homework and it was even printed in the school magazine. He gave me a little pat on the head and told me he had put it in his office for safe keeping.

(In other words that's something he doesn't have to worry about any more.)

Thus even if the members decide they want something in an general meeting, Daddy knows that is what the children want, but HE still has to first consider whether its really suitable for the children or whether he should make changes. And those children they just don't realise how expensive things are. Daddy has to look very carefully after all the pennies.

A not for Geoff, if it were up to me I'd back you all the way. Just two reservations, I personally don't think this is the place to hold spats between committee members.
And just a cautionary note, not all that is done without authority is ILLEGAL !

Rebuke accepted, but sometimes you can't bring a change without a major crisis.

Best Wishes,

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