Hi all,

I've thought a bit about this question of printer drivers et all.

I'm sorry that this will be a very long email -at the end hereof I have a 
specific question for Joachim, so if you don't want to wade thrgough all of 
these ramblings, just read the last section.

You will remember that the question of printing reared its head with respect 
to ASCII output (mainly I though at the time, from QUILL - but this was mater 

In response to that I made the Proforma Filter (PF) which is on my "website". 
It comes on several parts - i'll set them out in a very small way here, just 
to show what has been done up to now.

 - First,there is the PF itself. It takes the ASCII file, including printer 
directives for switching bold on/off etc... and writes this to a Proforma 
printer driver, converting everything on the way. Proforma then makes the 
actual output to the printer.

 - Then there is the PROforma Filter Graphical User Interface (PF GUI). The 
PF is a background job, which you start with a commanbd line eg ex 
PF;"filename printer_id char_size spooler_file" etc... This is pretty 
difficult, so I made a GUI to allow the user to choose several of these 
things more interactively. Also, since the filter can preview to the screen, 
it MUST be kept separate from the GUI, else it can't use the entire screen 
for preview but would be limited to the GUI's screen

- Then I made a printer driver for Xchange. Indeed, the PF expects that 
printer directives to switch bold on/off etc are send in a certain way (eg. 
<b> switches bold on, </b> switches it off).

I felt that these three components answered the need I perceived: the user 
pritns to a file, starts the GUI (perhaps via a hotkey) and sends the file to 
PROforma which then does the printing. However, when I announced this on the 
list, it was not found satisfactory, mainly, I understand, for two reasons: 
One, some programs cannot handle the printer directives as set out above, but 
need some kind of ESC/P facility. Two, some programs apparently cannot send 
output to a file, but only to a device.

Point one can be answered simply by adapting the PF. Let me point out that 
all of the sources are on my "website", so changing the routine that parses 
an input line to see whether bold or underline should be switched on or off 
is not that difficult (hint, hint).

Point two above cannot be handled so easily. Another device was needed, to 
which the program can print. Thus the fourth component the PFF device (PFF) 
was born. Marcel has pointed out on this list that the old PRTBUF device 
would be suitable, however I feel this is not the case since that can only 
send output to ser or par IIRC (?). And it can't start the job we'll come to 
later on.

At that time, Rich also drew up some impressive specifications for a fully 
fledged printing system, including things, devices with different names and 
options, filter etc...

For various reasons, I thought that this system was unnecessarily complex, 
(but this is more a question of pholisophy and design) and, notably the thing 
seemed to me to be overly ambitious and, perhaps, the answer to a problem (. 
independent job) which it didn't really solve.

So I prefer to keep things simple. I did, however, make the PFF device, but 
kept this to a much simpler philosophy than that proposed.

As it stands now, PFF is indeed a very simple device. It accepts input and 
sends this to a pipe. For the time being, this pipe is a fixed pipe, named 
"pipe_PFFxxxx_10000". The pipe does all the buffering necessary and, since 
you can make pipes of a determined length, there is no fear that the job will 
not be able to print to the PFF device as that could run out of memory. In 
the above name, the pipe is 10000 bytes long.
The disadvantage of this limited buffering is that the program that is doing 
the printing (the "printing job") will seem to hang until the pipe is emptied 
enough so that all of the data can be printed. This however, is not different 
from other systems - and you can (later) always increase the size of the pipe 
if you have a larger system.
PFF also allows you to set a usage name, eg. PFF_USE "PAR" will cause all 
output directed to PAR to be sent to PFF.

However, the PFF device itself is not enough. The consensus on this list, and 
with which I agree, is that a lot of work will have to be done via some kind 
of job, notably that of transporting the data to the filter(s). This 
**could** be done in the PFF itself, but you would have to work under such 
severe restrictions (as this would be either in the open or i/o calls of a 
device driver, or within a scheduler loop ) that this would be not acceptable 
- if only for the fact that all other progs in the machine would be halted 
since all of this would be done in supervisor mode...

This brings us to the question of how we can start this ,as yet 
unspecified,job once the user has initiated the printing. 

Remember in my initial scheme (and as it stands now), this was to be done by 
the user himself who would have started up the PF GUI (perhaps through a 

This however was felt to be too complicated for the poor end user who, some 
think, cannot be counted upon to remember to do this. Even though I'd have a 
tendancy to think that such an end user should be shot rather then receive an 
award for his behaviour, this is probably not a viable solution, so we  must 
go along with that user inability for the time being. This means that we need 
some kind of job to be started when the user has started to print to the PFF 
device. This must be done by the PFF device since at that stage nothing else 
is involved in the printing itself and the *bleep*ing user can't do this 

The problem is that, due to the nature of QDOS/SMSQE, starting a job from 
within the OPEN call to a device in a "legal" way is not a possibility 
("legal" means by using the facilities offcially provided by the OS for 
starting a job). This includes any other indirect ways, as long as these are 
being called as part of the OPEN call. The discussion on this list thus has 
allowed us to eliminate various methods to do this (e.g. Things, putting 
return  values on the user stack of the program that is doing the printing 
etc...). I had thought of several other possibilities (e.g. doing a hotkey 
from within the open call which would start a program ) but they, also fall 
foul of being indirect ways of doing something we are not allowed to do 
directly but stil not being legal, .

This means that I can see no way around to having a job that is already 
executing (and not being started from nothing) and somehow getting this job 
to do its work when printing is initiated. However, having a job that runs in 
the background, continuously scanning whether a channel was opended is 
wasteful of system resources. It would be better for this job to "sleep" and 
only be awoken when needed, thus using as little as possible system resources 
whilst being asleep.

On an SMSQ/E system, this would be no problem: Have a job set itself up as a 
button (thus being suspended most of the time), send it a wake event (a legal 
way) when printing is initiated and voila, problem solved.

Marcel put a hole into that very early by reminding us that events are an OS 
facility, and thus not available to QDOS users - and much of this discussion 
here is about legacy systems....

Per then made the important and breakthrough contribution by telling us that 
we could make a change in the job header of a suspended job which would then 
become unsuspended. This is not an entire legal way of doing things, but the 
least illegal I can find. I personnally would prefer to change that job's 
priority from 0 to 1 (or whatever) which will also cause the job to awaken, 
but this is exactly the same principle. We can probably test both - having 
implemented one, the other is trivial.

Now the question becomes: what does this job do? Here I have quite a 
different philosophy from Joachim and Rich. Apparently for them, this job 
does important work. For me it doesn't, it is an "intermediary job" and all 
it should do is - start another job.

The reason for this is that I envision that this job should be set up by the 
PFF device driver when that is installed (and thus the job to be awoken which 
will be part of it)  All of this will all be programmed in machine code.

Doing some big print processing job  in m/c is not my idea of fun, when we 
have a perfectly functioning Basic that is more or less ideal for this.

Moreover, doing it this way, this job can be kept very small, taking up very 
little memory during the time it isn't really doing anything useful, and 
communciation between the device driver and the job will be easy.

When executing, all that job does is start the real "distributing" job. For 
me, this processing job would be the PF GUI - which has the advantage of 
already existing...

Finally, the advantage I see in this is that the GUI can also be invoked from 
the print object which Jim Hunkins has mentioned and which could be important 
for his desktop prog.
and,I understand, also for launchpad (In this respect, the question is: could 
the printing objects in both of these programs just dump the file into the 
PFF device? - if yes: Problem (nearly) solved...)

Since the intermediary job would be part of the PFF, it would be installed 
and started at the same time the PFF is installed. One less thing the user 
has to think about. Moreover, the name of the GUI (and where it can be found) 
would be configurable. This would also allow for other GUIs to be written.

So now we come to the GUI. If you look at other operating systems, when you 
initiate printing, you get some kind of printer dialog, which allows you 
chose your printer, the number of copies to be printed etc. Why not do the 
same thing here? And the program to do that already exists, at least to 90 %. 
This is the PF GUI. It already allows you to choose which PROforma printer 
driver to use. It could probably be adapted to Ghostscript,but I do confess 
to a total ignorance in all maters Ghostscripty... Proforma even allows 
landscape printing, and I could adapt the GUI to propose such an options.

In this scheme, the GUI needn't even be loaded all of the time in memory, it 
could be executed (from hardisk, floppies, or a hotkey) as and when needed. 
It could also disappear as soon as printing is finished.

The GUI and PFF
Moreover, the GUI will allow the user to choose what filter and printer 
driver to use. To me that makes more sense than trying to print to, say 
PFF1oeyx, where the letters denote some of the printing options (use the 
filter, print to this driver etc), for at least two reasons:. remember, we're 
 talking here about a hypothetical user too ... distracted to start up a 
print job. Will he remember these device settings? Choosing from a list of 
options will certainly be easier! Also, nothing guarantees that these older 
programs which allow you yo print to a file will allow you to print to a 
device with a very long name!

However, if need be, the PFF device could be adapted so that it could pass on 
to the intermediary job, and then the GUI the device NUMBER to which the suer 
printed. 1 could be  stright ASCII with printer directives as entioned above, 
PFF2 could be ESC P2 etc....

Yet, one identified weakness in this scheme of things is that the user would 
have to choose the filter appropriate for what 
he is trying to accomplish. Is he trying to print an ASCII file to Proforma? 
Is he trying to print an ESC/P2 file to Ghostscript? He alone knows. So the 
choice must be his. To keep things more simple, I propose that the names of 
the filter files all reflect what the do (for example  
win1_filter_ESC/P2_to_Proforma_obj). If all filters are put in the same 
directory, the user could choose the filters relatively easily. If the user 
always uses the same program to print, he filters could be preconfigured.

In short,my scheme would be as follows

Printing progamm prints to PFF
PFF wakes up the intermediary job
intermediary job wakes the GUI
the user chooses his options in the GUI
The GUI starts the filter
The filter prints to the printer using PROforma

Where does PROforma print?

FInally a question for Joachim. In all of the above, I have assued that the 
printing is being done by PROforma. Nothing stops a filter being developped 
for Ghostscript, of course,  but I use PROforma because i KNOW it works, and 
it is a QL native solution...
However  - how does PROforma know WHERE to print? Mine just worked straight 
out of the box prnting to PAR. The only thing I have found is that this seems 
to be hard coded in the device drivers (pfd). Is this correct?

Anyway, let me all know what you think of the above scheme, knowing that I 
could continue developemnt on the PF GUI and the PFF to implement all of what 
I have mentioned above.

Have a nice sunday


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