Thanks Rich for the change of Subject. Some of the longer threads can get
quite a long way off topic so the occasional redefine helps.

John Gilpin.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rich Mellor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 4:09 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Peter Graf's Input needed

> Have moved this to a new thread as its not really relevent.
> <<cut>>
> > As it happens I am corresponding with Peter on another subject at the
> > moment and have just emailed him. I took the opportunity of telling him
> > of this
> > thread and said people would be interested to hear of relevant Q60
> > developments. I did suggest that maybe private emails are better.
> Not really if they are just news of developments - everyone would love the
> opportunity to discuss things Peter is working on and maybe offer some
> support and encouragement I am sure.
> > BTW my impression is that there is a willingness on both sides to forget
> > the arguments of the past. I was quite worried about the licence debate
> > boiling up into a major row at QL2004 and spoiling the show if Peter
> > came. (And I wanted him to be present.) I found both sides in the
> > argument were prepared to be flexible to prevent that happening. We just
> > have to be careful on both sides to avoid the subjects we know are too
> > sensitive.
> I sure hope so - the licence discussion has been done and dusted.  Both
> sides have to accept that they will never reach a compromise on it and now
> look to the future.  Basically I don't care if people are willing to work
> under the licence or not - I just want to see the QL move forward and find
> out what people are working on, so that we can air views on new
> developments.
> -- 
> Rich Mellor
> RWAP Services
> 26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ
> _______________________________________________
> QL-Users Mailing List

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