----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeremy Taffel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] The hardware conflict...

> Jeremy Taffel wrote:
> > My experiences with XP are mixed. Normally I have no problems
> > whatsoever...
> All I was trying to say is that when it comes to PCs, the hardware is so
> variable that I really don't think you read across OS experiences from
> one to another. My most stable machine runs windows 95! I wouldn't claim
> though that win95 is more stable than 98 or XP, just that it suits that
> particular setup.  I have one windows98 machine which is mainly very
> reliable, and another (with more memory) which crashes through memory
> leaks. I have had good and bad experiences with XP. I have had Linux
> Mandrake 10.0 work perfectly on  several PCs, and make a complete pig's
> ear of  hardware detection on another  It took me about an hour to set
> up one hybrid wired/wireless network on 4 PCs with a shared broadband
> connection (2 XP one 98se, one 95), and about  30hrs  and several sets
> of hardware to set up another similar network  of 3 PCs (one XP, one
> 98se/linux, one ME).
> Despite all these problems, given the insanely low cost of PC hardware,
> I can't see any QL hardware development going anywhere. Not that I want
> to discourage anyone from developing hardware, but I see it essentially
> as a  hobby with a very limited potential user base, and little prospect
> of  paying for its development time.
> This puts me firmly into the emulation camp.One  advantage of emulation
> is that I don't have such a great printer issue. All I need is the
> ability to store the data in a form where I can load it into native OS
> applications for printing (on my USB printer). For much of my needs, it
> is adequate to   take screen shots of superbasic windows and cut and
> paste them into grown-up applications such as open-office.
> I'd be interested to know what the final  split is  in Tony's/Quanta's
> survey between more traditional hardware and the emulators. I haven't
> filled it in yet myself - I started, but then got frustrated and gave up
> - as an ex-Quanta member I feel that I should be able to fill in the
> Quanta related questions. Isn't anyone interested in why people leave,
> and what could be done to get them to rejoin?
> (now I've joined about 4 threads)
> Jeremy

I think this question was discussed at Byfleet and hope that it will be
added to the questionnaire. Will this be too late for those who have already
filled one in?

John Gilpin.(individual)

PS. Just to explain this signature format: It was agreed at the Quanta
Committee meeting at Byfleet yesterday that no one member of that committee
should pass an opinion and leave it such that it could be taken to be an
opinion of the Quanta Committee. In future all comments sent to this or
other forums should indicate that they are comments expressed by an
individual and should not be taken as being from Quanta, its committee or
its membership unless specifically indicated that it is sent with authority
from those bodies.


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