At 21:19 12/12/2004, you wrote:

Perhaps that should read "Am I The Only Person Who Still Uses MDV
Carts" or "who has working MDV drives"

Well, strictly speaking I don't really use MDVs much these days; and given that all my QLs are currently mothballed (or, rather, parked, seeing as they're in the garage) I'm not currently using them at all.

However, I used a 128K MDV-only QL exclusively from 1984 to 1991 (IIRC) before finally getting the MFP disk i/f & a 512k expanderam... Even then, I only had a single 5.25" disk drive to use (I still have that entire setup).

Mind you - I used my QL on a succession of black&white TVs for most of its early life; I think my parents gave me a green screen monitor in 1988, and I finally bought a colour one in 1991 or 2.

In all those years, BTW, I think I only ever had two cartridges fail & lose data. There were only around 40 carts, and 20 of those had dad's tax data on, so I only had 20 to use for years - so they did pretty darn well I reckon. What's more, I can still read data off them to this very day; compare & contrast this to all my early PC 3.5" disks, nearly all of which are now kaputt. And they're all newer!
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