> Hey Dilwyn
> Whats suddenly wrong with Welsh, I see even MS Office have a Welsh
> must be all the complaining you've done over the years.
> mike
And there's me thinking I was banging my "pen" (head) against the
"mur" (wall) all these "blynyddoedd" (years).

I'd meant to mention that. I think it started when companies who work
through the medium of Welsh (broadcasters, Welsh music companies, book
publishers, public bodies and so on) realised M$ was willing to
provide additional language support. Welsh spell checkers etc have
been available for a while. I probably won't go for these as my wife
is not a fluent Welsh speaker like me, although I do create documents
and so on in Welsh from time to time. It's good to know they're there
and that there is a demand for them. If ever I work for a company
which needs Welsh computers, I'll know the facility is available.

I saw some of the screens from Welsh Windows and like other language
versions I've seen, some of the translations are a bit of a
compromise - if a term is a very long word in one language and it
won't fit an icon or small menu, you use an abbreviation or a near
equivalent which doesn't always mean the same thing in all contexts. A
simple example, as an exercise, I patched a level 1 config a few years
ago to work via Welsh. The English abbreviations for Yes and No are Y
and N obviously. In Welsh, they are Ie and Na so in addition to
patching to allow for word length (the Welsh for Yes is 2 letters
long, not 3) I had to find the keypresses detected (fairly easy in
Config IIRC), change those and make sure the patched messages had
correct lengths (easy enough where shorter, not so easy where longer
sentences). I got it to work, and used it for a while until MenuConfig
came along and I never bothered with that. At one stage, when I
started publishing pointer driven software with DJC, I accidentally
put the Welsh version of Config on some of the disks which proved an
interesting experience for a few people.

In short, nothing wrong with Welsh until it comes to trying to patch
text in programs into Welsh in a  binary editor and making the
messages the same length, I draw the line at that!

In other words, well done M$, it's not a job I'd have liked to do!

(Changed a couple of thread names in my replies tonight as I'd started
wandering off topic a bit).

Dilwyn Jones

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