On  Tue, 14 Dec 2004 at 09:31:47,  wrote:

>In a message dated 12/12/04 21:26:43 GMT Standard Time,
>> >What I really *really* want (but wouldn't be able to afford) is a
>> Thor. But
>> >it seems that they truly are as rare as hens teeth.
>> Many of the hard disk equipped Thors have long since found they no
>> longer have working hard drives. I heard from a lot of people that
>> Thors that don't get used seem to die, like a natural obsolescence.
>> They seem to work while used, but quickly die without exercise (but
>> that's true of people too).
>My Thor 21 died of over use, I suppose. The Rodime hard drive seemed to carry
>on OK. It was the ram which suddenly lost, or gained a bit or two. Since this
>changes the instructions in a loaded program crashes were only too likely to
>occur. AFAIK the Thor still would work for a few minutes after being switched
>on. However, the QXL (mine with FPU), the Q40 and Q60 are all much faster.
Check the Thor power supply.  The original was way under specced.
Maybe power rails are low?

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