A lot of useful information has come out of this thread

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roy wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Trump Cards and FORMAT

See original

> I have no axe to grind here either. Personally I don't care either way
> but I see a lot of systems and talk to a lot of people in the business
> (most of our clients are business not end users, gamers and
> overclockers) and I can only report what I have found.
> I have wasted far to much time and bandwidth on this silly discussion. I
> must finish my article for QL Today or you won't get it for Christmas.
> --
> Roy Wood
> Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
> Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030    fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501
> web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, jms1
>>Yes and Linux will use a 64 bit operating system, XP cannot.
>>Net conclusion Linux far superior to Microsoft Operating Systems.
>Now I never said anything different. The system itself may be superior
>but it just does not have the applications yet. It is getting there.
> Roy Wood
> Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
> Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030    fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501
> web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

Obviously experience in how to avoid problems counts more than anything
else, no matter what hardware, OS, programming language, or application you

> Mike MacNamara
>Funny, John, this rig is running, Windows XP 64 bit Edition - can't see
>Linux machines in rear view morror.

>Phoebus Dkus
>??? Thu, 9 Dec 2004 12:39:52 -0000,?(?) jms1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Yes and Linux will use a 64 bit operating system, XP cannot.
>That is not true... I have Windows XP-64bit here courtesy of the Uni...

Take into account that newspapers can supply DVDs of recent films free.

The more I learn about the application of copyright the more I have sympathy
with those who use pirate copies.

>> Net conclusion Linux far superior to Microsoft Operating Systems.
>I wouldn't claim that... I would claim BSD far superior to Windows.. >Linux
still is problematic in some aspects...
>As for which OS is more rocksolid, the best evidence is at

I have fallen into my usual trap of grouping all open source Unix types OS's
as Linux. I see I had better consider using BSD.

>Wolfgang Lenerz
>An OS is just a platform for launching applications.
>The more apps, the better the OS.
>In that respect, Windows can't be beaten.

The only reason I use Windows
1.    For the software I use which is not available elsewhere.
2.    Machines I have bought have it installed.

Finally the gains must exceed the pains. The only way to attract others to
the QL, QDOS and its derivatives is to ensure that the gains exceed the
pains for first time users!

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