On  Sun, 2 Jan 2005 at 02:11:42, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

>> Headache? :-)
>Actually my plan of skipping the beer and immediately starting with
>tequila, vodka, sparkling wine and finally Bacardi worked very well,
>no headache at all. Usually it's the beer in the mix that gets me. ;-)
>Just didn't get much sleep as I only got to bed at 8 in the morning.
... sounds like something to kill you (8-)#
>> BTW, you can add the Retry and Abandon items
.. sounds like something to consider with your drink cocktails (8-)#
>> in the FILE ERROR window
>> to the list of items that I think use the App Win Item colours rather
>> than the Loose Item ones...
>Ok, fixed that, too. Will send test version privately.
>Now I think I've really have earned myself the time to watch a nice
>"Yes, Minister" episode.
Now that (and the follow-up "Yes Prime Minister") is brilliant.
One of the reasons it is so good is that it is heavily based on truth.
OK no minister is -that- compliant and manipulatable (urmm that may be
an invented word) but the civil servants are -certainly- very like


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