On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 18:18:49 +0000, Malcolm Cadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Dilwyn, with all the stuff that you are providing on your www site maybe
you should also consider an FTP repository. In that way all the files
available are readily accessible for download.

FTP came before HTTP and was designed for file access.  Although the
latter seems now to be more popular as users are more used to accessing
from a web site.

I've never set up an FTP site and would need help and advice to get it going, but it's something I'd consider. I've been very lucky with the Freeola UK6 site, it's reliable, has masses of free space and the only real restriction they place on you is that everything must be "visible", i.e. pages anyone can read or files anyone can download, you mustn't use it as a private file store. I guess they make their money from users dialling up.

Can you point me a source of information on getting and setting up an FTP site?

At present I haven't set up one either. Probably when Phoebus gets back on the list he will have the know how and information.

I have two net accounts, one with Demon and one with AOL.

The Demon account has everything, I just haven't investigated it for FTP.

The AOL account gives an easy to use access to storing files via FTP as a part of the package.

Perhaps Rich will know more about this too, as he may have a fuller AOL account than mine.

I don't think that AOL provides a free FTP upload and download area for non-members.
I don't use their service anymore except for internet access and some email - their servers (in common with most free space providers) were too unreliable and too slow.

I have plenty of space for FTP files on my servers but the problem is how do you provide a simple way of navigating to the right file and finding it?

You would have to look at the help file for your webspace provider in order to find out how to enable anonymous FTP - I can do this on my rwapservices.co.uk server through the control panel for the website. Anyone can then connect to my server using a username of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and their email address as the password.

It is not difficult to do on a paid web server.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ


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