Ffibys writes:

> > I need a break from testing software as Ive got some pressing stuff of
> > own to do, but Im very interested to hear how this goes. The day Turbo
> > can be used with EasyPtr I may jump ship..
> >
> > Per
> Passing by reference works RIGHT now (Q-Word is working with that :-)
> Ffibys
> As for EasyPTR... :-) I personally don't care :-) Although I do think it
> works... sort of (Ask Rich for details. I think he's using a part of
> EasyPTR for QWord)

I only mentioned EasyPtr as this would make a good test of compatibility.
The same applies to Qptr, of course. Use Tptr! I hear you say. My only
complaint of Tptr, over and above the issues I mentioned regarding Qptr, is
the nomenclature. It is unlearnable due to the way my brain is configured.


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