> Glad to see someone is using more reliable technology than CD-ROMS.
QPC2 users do seem to be branching off with all sorts of different devices, 
because of the Windows/PC effect of having access to bits "ordinary" QLers 
don't have access to.

> I've just recently bought a Hi-Minidisc recorder and have configured QPC2 to 
> run on it.  The big advantage over memory sticks is the cost of the 
> recordable discs.  £4.99 (from Amazon.co.uk) for a massive 1Gb or around 50p 
> for 270Mb with existing 80 minute discs.  And you have portable high quality 
> sound too (better than MP3).  I'm hoping to write a article for QL-Today 
> about it.
That will be most welcome!

>The trickiest part of configuring QPC2 to run on portable media is telling 
>QPC2 the root directory of the device you've just plugged in 'cause it will be 
>different on each PC you use.  Ken Bain is right about lack of documentation 
>on DOS directories.  I didn't know aboout the 'dot backslash', I'll have to 
>give it a try.
IIRC Ken said it was dot forwardslash for current directory and dot dot 
forwardslash for root or next step up.

Since my email on this earlier today I've tried again and can't get consistent 
results. Sometimes it work, sometimes it reverts to the error message about the 
base directory of dos1_ being invalid.

Anyone else using any smart devices we should know about?

Dilwyn Jones

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