On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 11:06:22 -0400, Dilwyn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> x 50g packets of Drum or Samson for 5 euro per packet or less (about 40%
> of
> the UK price). Let me know off-list.
> TIA,
> Per

Why don't you check <URL:http://www.yesmoke.ch/>?

(Saved me a bundle ;-) )
Save even more...don't smoQue ;-))

Absolutely ;-) Tony was instrumental on that (ie he bugged me to death ;-) -although Tony you gotta admit that although in a smoking room I did not smoke inside ;-) -
However I don't see anything wrong with TobbaQo ;-) (I'll be honest with you; I miss it every day)

A few years ago when I worked in broadcasting, I had to install a replacement sound mixer in a video editing suite. The guy who normally worked in there was a very heavy smoker, I was nearly ill when I saw the insides of the old sound mixer.

Hehe you should see some of our mixers and amps when I was in a band... The PCBs were yellow (but not naturally). The most disturbing was of course that the nicotine-laced tar deposits attract dust like a magnet and the result is almost impossible to clean; especially on the controls which smoke seems to be particularily fond of... (Now let's imagine our lungs for a sec ;-) hehehe

I wonder if Tony Firshman has any such experiences repairing QLs (there...back on topic quite easily!)

I bet he has but not on my Aurora (See I never smoked in front of a computer... can't say the same for my clients though ;-)

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