I have (approximately) the following kit for anyone to have for free - well, if you can collect (or pay postage) that is.
2 QLs (standard) - they are old (JS) and have the obligitory membrane problems. Power supplies and cables are available. Not sure about the network leads though - I can check. 1 QL with Gold Card fitted. As far as I remember, it is working ok. 1 pair 3.2 Mb drives plus 10 (I think) blank (never used) 3.2.Mb floppies. 1 pair 720 Kb drives (Or it could be 1.44 !). (At least, I think I have these !) 1 Phillips (?) colour monitor with cable to work off a standard QL. Was working when I put it in the loft. I think it's a VGA monitor so it might be of use on a PC (granted, an old one !) I think I might have some mdv cartridges as well - I'm not 100% sure. I know I have DJToolkit on a ROM but I might also have other stuff on ROM as well. I used to have Metacomco C, Pascal and the Assembler. As I say, there's a lot of stuff in boxes Hundreds of used and new floppy discs. Mostly an old copy of the Quanta library before I was 'sacked' (in the nicest possible way) when there was a massive re-organisation of the library. These will be re-formatted before I send them out (or throw them out - but I'd rather recycle them as they are mostly used once.) There might be more stuff, but it's in a box and/or in the loft. Reasons for 'sale' - I'm moving the office (for my day job) from one large room to one small room - my wife wants to use the big room as a second bedroom for some reason - so I need the space. These QLs have not been used for about 5 years as I have QPC (on a stick) which is just so utterly brilliant, I never need to fire up the trusty originals. Thanks Marcel. It would be best for someone to collect this stuff as geting to a Post Office is quite difficult these days since most of ours have been shut down recently :o( If anyone wants this stuff and feels 'bad' about getting it for free, make a donation to a decent charity and clear out your guilty conscience. I support the RNLI (Lifeboats), RSPCA, Cancer Research, WWF (not the wrestling, the World Wide Fund for Nature). Alternatively, buy a Big Issue from someone in the street ! Cheers, Norman. _______________________________________________ QL-Users Mailing List http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm