Tony Firshman wrote:
On  Sat, 2 Jul 2005 at 08:36:47, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

"forced" to visit Tuscany??

Hi Wolfgang. Yes, forced. I do not like to travel I'm afraid. I find the whole thing very frustrating - hanging around in airports, railway stations, bus stations etc just winds me up !

My wife, on the other hand, finds it all very pleasant. She used to be a travel agent, hence the addiction to travel.

I loathe it ! However, once the travelling is done with and I have reached some foreign shore, I usually enjoy it. At least, until it's time to travel again.

I -know- he was joking.
Mind you , if not, I would happily volunteer to suffer for him (8-)#
I have never been to Florence.


Hi Tony,

I wasn't joking !
I've never been to Florence either - but I will be going there, and Pisa to see the tower - which I believe thay have recently added a new clock to the tower. This is so that tourists can get the time and the inclination :o) <groan>

See you all when I get back.

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