Re: QL Stick..

>It's a Windows problem and there's nothing you can do about it - as far as
>I know - it seems to get confused when you move it between different PC's
>and it just can't cope anymore. 

I'd argue that comment. I think its more to do with the quality and
manufacture of your stick. The disgo brand (I work from 'em, so am probably
biased!) are guaranteed to work on any USB enabled environment - I have used
mine on linux, Apple Mac, and win 95,98,Me,XP home and Pro, 2000, NT4, and
various server editions and SBS's all within minutes of each other with no
problems - at consumer shows - and our returns rate is 0.02%, and most of
these are user errors rather than hardware errors.

>Mind you, isn't that the point of a 'stick' anyway ?

Of course it is. Pointless having a portable device if only one machine can
use it!! The idea is you can access files on any machine with a USB port.

The quality of the USB sticks out there are very varied. Cost cutting in
this market is huge, so quality suffers as the illusion is they all do the
same job, so there is no difference. Talking to our resellers, the acer and
fujitsu ones are cronically bad for failing totally, not saving data
properly, or not working on certain systems. 

Those manufactured by M-Systems (ie. Using their chipsets) are brilliant.
Disgo is one of these, and also bUSBi in the UK. There are a few issues
around the Disgo caps coming off, (now solved on the new models) but I've
only ever seen one that doesn't work.

On another note we've just launched the X-Key - a disgo with 256-bit data
encryption, and a safe environment application. You can use one of these in
an internet café, drag and drop stuff onto the café machines desktop, using
the PC as you would at home, and when you pull out the xkey, it
automatically deletes all traces that you were ever there. Amazing product,
but not cheap - about 5 times the price of an ordinary disgo.

We also do USB keys with fingerprint recognition on them.

<END PLUG>  :-)



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