Jeremy Taffel writes:

> John Taylor wrote:
>>Psion will give us the source code, that isn't the problem.
>>They say they have "mothballed" it and it is not accessible.
>>They said we could have a copy if ever they exhumed it.
>>I think they have forgotten where they put it.
> The development was originally done on a VAX 11-780 I believe, and
> cross-compiled for 68000 and 8086 architectures. It is almost certain
> that they would have pensioned off the VAX years ago. None of the more
> modern systems  can read the old disk packs they used, but  they might
> have backed it up onto half inch tape. However, we have an old VAX still
> operating with both disks and half inch tape so that we can offer
> support for a legacy system (military systems have to be supported for
> 25 years +).  So if they have the old media, but don't know which
> contain the source, there is a possibility that I could get someone to
> give up some spare time to trawl through and recover it. Recovery from
> half inch tape would be slower, but more certain than from disk packs.

It would be great if that were possible ;)

However, from a practical POV, the original XChange code has been 
considerably updated since then by Erling Jacobsen. That would be the most 
valuable code base now. Perhaps he could be persuaded to open it up or 
update it himself?


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