Claude Mourier 00 schreef:
> As far as I remeber, FDEC$() and IDEC$() can do that (up to nine digits, the 
> limit of internal coding on QDOS and SMSQ)
Yes, I know, but that's the problem.
consider the following:
rem euros have to be displayed officially with 2 decimals
rem or with a '-' if no decimals
rem ex. 43.21
rem ex. 43.00
rem ex. 43,-

print fdec$(euro,11,2)
rem euro is displayed correctly
print fdec$(euro,11,2)
rem euro is not displayed correctly
rem conclusion: 15999999.99 is the highest values in euros that 
rem can be displayed.
rem not good enough for me.
rem if I'm wrong, please correct.

Rem that's not the amount of my bank account, unfortunatly :(
François Van Emelen

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